Privacy Policy

As you browse our website, please note that your use of cookies signifies your consent to our policies. Cookies are utilized to enhance the user experience and ensure that our website is easily accessible. Our privacy policy outlines the measures we take to safeguard and respect your information. We are dedicated to maintaining the security of your personal data and will never disclose your identity without your consent.

What we collect

Our data collection will include your name and contact information, as they are necessary for us to deliver our services to you. This may also include demographic details such as your post code, as well as any other relevant personal data. Your information is vital for creating an exceptional service and enhancing our product. We value your needs and utilize your data to continually improve your experience with us. Through analysis, we strive to provide a superior product and service for our customers.

Protecting Your Information
In our commitment to ensuring the security of your information, our company has taken significant steps to safeguard it. We have established stringent security protocols, including physical, electronic, and managerial methods, to provide robust protection for your data.

How we use cookies

In order to personalize your experience, websites utilize small programs called cookies. Once accepted, cookies are stored on your device and allow the website to track your frequency of visits and interests. This information helps the website to better cater to your preferences. Rest assured, your personal information is not shared and is discarded after analysis.

We rely on cookies to monitor and improve your browsing experience on our website. Your privacy is important to us, and we do not share this information with any third parties. These cookies contain no sensitive data and do not harm your computer. Please accept them in order to continue using our site. While online tracking is unavoidable, you have the option to accept or decline cookies. By default, most browsers accept cookies, but you can change this setting if desired. However, it may impact your online shopping experience negatively if cookies are declined.

Navigating to other websites

By clicking on a hyperlink that leads to a different website, you will exit our website. Please note that we have no authority over these other websites and therefore cannot be held accountable for their security measures. Moreover, these other websites operate under different privacy policies than our own. It is important to review a website’s privacy statement before providing any personal information online.

Managing your personal information

At our company, we believe in giving our customers control over their privacy preferences. If you would like to limit or deny the collection or use of your personal information, please follow these steps:

1. Look for a checkbox on the website’s form that allows you to indicate that you do not want your information to be used for direct marketing purposes.

2. If the brand has previously used your information for direct marketing purposes and you no longer wish for this to occur, please indicate so and the brand will stop using your information.

We do not share, or rent your personal data to other companies. In the event that you request us to do so, we may disclose your information. Additionally, we may be required by law to disclose your information.